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Vacation Department
This is a global site developed for members of the public to understand everything they need to know about the United Nations [UN] vacation process. United Nations diplomat vacation act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3rd, July 1996 by constitutional assembly states that Staff members serving at duty stations designated as having very difficult Restrictions of life and work may be authorized Home visit only on one condition.. this condition is when their Spouse seeks for their vacation. We wish to inform you that not all vacations are granted so you should not feel discouraged when you try to apply for your Loved one and it is rebuffed. You can always try again and again until you are successful.
We also wish to let you know that termination of the vacation process is possible. Below are what causes termination of the vacation;
- Delay in procedures of the vacation requirement.
- If you apply for a vacation/invitation for someone, The UN needs to confirm your identity before sending our officials out. If your identity could not be confirmed, the United Nations Security Council will not approve the vacation. You have to send your ID card, passport, driver’s license, or any means of identification.
- Delay in payment and procrastination can also lead to vacation cancellation. To avoid cancellation, You must write to the UN vacation department stating your reason for the delay in payment and you should give us a concrete date you will be making the payment so that we can increase the timeline of your vacation process.
We wish to let you know that the UN will respond to you in whatever language you use in sending them a letter.
We advise individuals who want to apply for their loved ones to send the letter in their native language for a better understanding.
NOTE: Not all email appears in your mail inbox. Some messages appear in your spam box because of network traffic. So when you are expecting an update or reply from the United Nations, You should also check your spam always.
Method of Vacation
The Husband, wife, fiancée (or) Trusted Partner is expected to send a formal vacation letter to the United Nations vacation Department via this email: []
The United Nations vacation Department will Help with Guidelines when you send a formal vacation letter to the above email.
Due to the high volume of traffic in email, the vacation department has provided two means of Application (Online and Via the Email Provided) for the same purpose, you are free to make use of any of them.
Note the Information Below
In order to ensure our employees’ vacation was successful and they get home to their Husband, Wife, fiancée, or close friend and relative safety, The UN will be in charge of arranging the flight and health insurance but note that any vacation or leave that is not in agreement between the UN and our officials, The UN will not be responsible to pay for expenses fees. Though, the Vacation Department will be responsible for the arrangement of all in order to make sure everything is in order. So, all payments should be paid to the UN account offices by the person who applied for the issuance of the vacation certificate through our front agent in the applicant’s choice of vacation office. Kindly check our Account department to be able to understand how to make payments or also you can send a direct mail to us via this email: []. Stating the reasons and who you are making payment for.
We are doing all these because we can not afford to put the life of our officials at risk. With Reasons that, before the amendment of the policy when vacation was free we recorded the loss of our officials who leave the camp with vacation excuses and end up visiting harlots and were eliminated by the ISIS because they failed to go home. The amendment of the policy has helped a lot in the past 20 years because we have not lost our potential officials to the ISIS through vacation process.
Vacation Charge
The vacation charge is not fixed, it varies. We have different branches you can apply to as the United Nations is a global organization and each branch has its price tag. You will find out more information when you send a formal vacation letter to the vacation department through []
Vacation Benefit
Our annual vacation benefits range from $50,000 to $500,000 depending on what the official earns monthly, the monthly salary of the official or the terms of the contract between the employee and the United Nations organization is used to measure your vacation benefit. The vacation benefit goes to the beneficiary and Applicant after the vacation certificate is issued and his/her departure is confirmed.
Vacation Duration
The vacation certificate is valid for 2 to 4 months depending on how long the staff chooses to stay away from the camp but it won’t exceed 4 months.
Security Information
The United Nations Vacation process is of high-security importance. All information concerning this process must be kept a secret. Keep in mind that no one is trusted in the fight against terrorism. Thus, information concerning the departure of a UN official out of the peacekeeping camp must remain between the United Nations Vacation Department, Our official intending to take a vacation, and his/her trusted spouse. This is to ensure the safety of our officials and prevent them from being captured by terrorists. For more information, contact us via Email (
Why is this Site Relevant?
Following the cyberattack on the UN database, that led to the theft of information and identity of our top and reputable employees, The National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) in collaboration with the United Nations works to prevent crime and build safer, more caring communities. Major initiatives include the National Citizens’ Crime Prevention Campaign (NCCPC), an alliance of national, state, and federal organizations that works with businesses, civic groups, individuals, and law enforcement to generate crime prevention awareness and action throughout the world, through a variety of mechanisms. The campaign includes a series of public service advertisements, publications, training, technical assistance, and program development.